Supplements Uncategorized

Ultranol Supplement

On different occasions I have mentioned that having a good support system is important to someone with a chronic disease.  I am fortunate to have a group of people I can reach out to anytime for anything.  One person in particular I can count on for support is my sister-in-law.

 Pictured Above – An important part of my support system . . . .      my Sister-In-Law!

She is keenly aware of the challenges that come with having a chronic disease.  Because of her own personal circumstances, she had to learn about alternative medicine and supplementation to help her body heal.  In conjunction with traditional medicine, she uses herbs, dietary supplements and probiotics to build up her immune system.

Recently, my sister-in-law found a supplement called Ultranol she wanted me to try.  Ultranol is marketed as “total bladder support.”  The supplement is suppose to alleviate bladder pressure and urgency.  Additionally, the ingredients are suppose to help to control and strengthen the bladder by rebuilding new, healthy bladder tissue.  Ultranol works to naturally calm the bladder muscle so you can hold it longer.  Some of the ingredients listed include D-Mannose, Marshmallow Root Extract, Uva Ursa and L-Arginine.  A word of cautionCranberry Extract is also an ingredient.  As I have mentioned in previous posts, before trying any new supplement, check with your medical professional.


I am starting this supplement today!  I will keep you updated on how I am feeling after taking Ultranol for a few weeks.

I want to give a “shout out” and  a big thank you to my sister-in-law!  I am hoping in the near future, she will be a guest author for my blog and share her experiences with getting her health back on track.

If there is a particular supplement that works for you and your bladder, please share in the comments below.





  1. Hi Mazoli, hoping and praying this works for you!
    I thought of you because I read on Dr Merocola’s site that there’s a connection between statin use and IC. Thought that info might be useful to someone.
    I also thought your post about the connection to Lymes dz was interesting.
    Glad you are pursuing alternative treatments. The established medical community is too controlled by studies done to benefit the pharmaceutical industry; and God forbid they step out of line.
    Now google, fb, Twitter, and even Pinterest are blocking/downplaying anything anti-established medical doctrine.
    God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I keep searching for answers. I do think that alternative treatments will help me start to heal my bladder. The answer I need is which supplements will work for me. If you ever hear of anyone who has had success in treating IC, please let me know. Again, thank you for your comments.


  2. Hi ive just discovered your blog today after searching for some infirmation on bladder health. Im a 55 year old lady and have been suffering from chronic bladder pain for four years .i was tested numerous times for infections and have had many courses of antibiotics wich i felt were not nessecary as infections rarely showed up . Ive had two eurethal dialations in the last two years my second one recently i am just looking for advice and some reassurance as i feel i should not be having this procedure for inflamed bladder. My surgeon tells me it will help with the constant burning and pressure it did not work the first time so im very concerned these stretches of my euretha are just adding to my pain 5 days post op and i hurt so much any advice would be appreciated i take Amitryptiline 3o mgs for pain and zapain twice daily i also use D mannose powder and have been given a drug called nitrofurantoun one at night 50mg thankyou for reading kind regards Tracy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tracy, thank you for sharing your story. Again, just as a disclaimer, I am not a healthcare professional but I can share my experiences & thoughts. If I were you, I would get a second opinion before undergoing any more surgeries. A Urologist wanted me to have surgery that he thought would rid me of all my bladder pain. I did have the surgery, but before doing so, I went to 2 other doctors for their opinions and advice. The surgery was not successful so my search continues. The main point I want to make is that you do not want to make your situation worse so second opinions can help you make a more informed decision about any future surgeries.
      Please keep me updated on your health. Thanks for posting a comment.


  3. I have been told by my urologist at UCSD that it is inherited by some people. My niece (my identical twin’s daughter) and I both have it along with 2 cousins.

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