Tips for Bladder Pain Relief

Tip 102: Ice for Pain Relief!

Ice for PainWhen my bladder is hurting, and I really need some relief (and I need relief FAST), I put some ice in a zip lock bag.  I place the bag of ice just below my stomach (where my bladder is located).  I apply ice for 30 to 45 minutes.  This technique really works for me.

I also tried using a heating pad, but the heat did not provide any relief for me.  When the pain is really bad (a 10 out of 10 on the scale of pain), I use a cold bag of ice and drink “baking soda” water (see TIP 101 that I posted earlier – Tip 101: FAST Pain Relief!).

Again, please let me know if you try this technique and if you got any relief.  If you have any tips for quick bladder pain relief for IC sufferers, please share!




  1. I just wanted to reiterate how much I rely on applying ice for pain relief. I usually reach for the ice in the evenings while watching television and in the mornings before starting my day. Let me know if ice gives you pain-relief.


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